
definition of cuteness

The affection, love, affection or kindness that a person expresses and shows for certain things, animals, or for someone, is designated by the term of tenderness.

Human feeling that triggers infinite affection and the need to protect the object of that feeling

Tenderness is basically a feeling that all people can feel by the mere fact of belonging to the human race and that is characterized by affection and disinterest that drives us to love someone, to seek to protect them and take care of them from dangers, among others. .

And this is so because normally that which awakens us tenderness, a child, an old man, a small pet, are usually perceived by us as more fragile and weak and then demand from us a protective attitude.

Now, let it be clear that the one who awakens us tenderness should not be considered as someone inferior to us, but on the contrary, as someone who is hyper valuable and dear to whom we want to take care of any danger that threatens him above all things. at some point, because of course, they still have a certain amount of weakness, more than anything because of what we indicated that they are smaller or older people.

Those most loved ones such as parents, siblings, children, grandparents, pets and friends are mostly the recipients and objects of our tenderness.

Thanks to the tenderness, each individual will be able to give the best of himself, although the only reward for it is to see the one who loves him smile. Therefore, it turns out to be essential when building a relationship based on love, trust, respect and feedback (back and forth).

A subjective but very present feeling in humans that ennobles them

As a consequence that all individuals are different, that is, we have different life experiences, feelings, educations, which are what will mark those distinctions, then, what awakens that affection that we mentioned, tenderness, in definite accounts, will be triggered by various issues, what arouses that feeling in someone may not arouse it in another.

In other words, there is a huge amount of subjectivity in tenderness.

In any case, and despite the differences that may exist between one and the other regarding what arouses tenderness, there are some images and situations that will inevitably awaken the tenderness of most people, regardless of education, beliefs and experiences. of life that it holds.

A baby playing, laughing, hugging his mother, a pregnant woman, a child kissing his brother, a little friend, a grandfather walking with his grandson, a newborn puppy taking his mother's breast, are images and situations that they tend to awaken the tenderness of anyone who contemplates them.

Beyond what tenderness awakens, we must say that feeling it is a fact that exalts and ennobles people because it places them in a stage where more important and relevant issues than material ones, such as moral and spiritual ones, are valued.

Because when a person feels tenderness, they will forget everything earthly, let's say, money, personal achievements, among others, and on the contrary, the need to see the one they love happy will prevail. This feeling, as we already said, without a doubt, makes us better people in every sense, it makes us human in the most charismatic sense of the word.

The other side of tenderness will be brutality, which will imply a violent and cruel action towards something or someone and which of course will awaken the condemnation and bitterness of those who contemplate it and also of the recipient of the same.

But there are other uses of the word that we probably have less registered than the one just mentioned, which is the most popular, but that can also be used, such as ...

Softness of an object or something lacking in firmness

On the other hand, to the softness and smoothness of an object or surface it is often referred to as tenderness.

And when something shows up lacking vigor and firmness it is usually spoken in terms of tenderness.

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