
definition of typify

This term has several meanings, so it is a polysemic word. This dynamic is due in this case to the fact that its spelling comes from two different languages, Greek and Latin (typos and tipus respectively). On the other hand, this word is formed from the Latin word facere and what it means to do.

This fact has caused the word to have evolved to acquire various meanings. It is in law and in mathematics where this word is commonly used.

In common parlance

In everyday communication this term can also be used and it can be done in two senses:

1) as a synonym of normalizing, in such a way that a thing conforms to certain standards or common types so that they become normal or

2) to refer to a person, animal or object that represents the paradigm of all its commons (for example, "that boy typifies today's adolescents").

In the field of law

In the sphere of law, certain acts are recognized as crimes. In this sense, the penal code establishes with exactitude and precision which acts are really a crime. This implies that a crime is typified and, therefore, defined.

The classification of a crime is a basic premise of the law, since to judge a person the crime that is imputed to him must be classified. In this way, an attempt is made to avoid any possible arbitrary interpretation of the law. If an action were not criminalized, it would not be possible to accuse anyone of a criminal action, since it would be something that the law does not contemplate.

At present, some behaviors considered harmful must be classified because they are not yet included in the legal system. Along these lines, certain irregularities in the world of new technologies are in legal limbo awaiting their final classification.

Typing in statistics

In statistical language, the typing of a variable is one of the most common procedures. The typification of a variable is equivalent to its normalization. The standardized value of a variable is also discussed.

Photos: Fotolia - iordani / Gstudio

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