The term we are analyzing has different uses in our language. On the one hand, we say that an event is peculiar when it has a feature other than the usual. In relation to people, those who for some reason are different from the majority are considered peculiar (for example, by their physical appearance or by their personality).
In relation to objects, those that have a differentiating element or are presented in an unusual format are also valued as peculiar. In short, the peculiarity of someone or something indicates their differentiating element with respect to the group to which they belong.
On the other hand, we speak of peculiarities in the plural when we refer to the characteristics that make up a reality. Thus, if we describe the social reality of a country, we mention a series of unique features such as language, gastronomy or any other cultural aspect.
The normality
If we visit an exotic country, it is very likely that many things will be striking and, therefore, peculiar. Conversely, if an inhabitant of that country visits ours, they will surely think that our way of life is full of unique aspects. Consequently, we say that something or someone is peculiar when it departs from the idea of normality. The concept of normality becomes a kind of border that divides the world: within the normal things do not attract attention, but outside they become peculiar.
Humans are very peculiar beings
Homo sapiens is part of the animal kingdom. However, we are "rare", because we have very significant peculiarities. Our language and intelligence make us a unique species. We are bipedal mammals, a very rare trait (only shared by the chimpanzee and kangaroo). Unlike other animals, we are unpredictable and capable of the best and the worst. Animals have an instinct and this determines their behavior, but humans are a mystery to ourselves.
Other words with the same root
Peculiar comes from Latin, specifically from the word peculiaris. In our language there are a series of words that share the same origin. Thus, the peculiar is the part of the livestock that its owner donated as a gift to a slave in ancient Rome (peculiar also refers to the goods of a slave and today this word is used in prison terminology to refer to the money that prisoners handle). The word pecunia is equivalent to money and also has the same semantic origin.
Photos: Fotolia - Eugenio Marongiu / Massimhokuto