
definition of criminology

Criminalistics is an auxiliary science of Criminal Law whose main activity is focused on discovering, explaining and proving the crimes that are under investigation.

Scientific knowledge turns out to be the main tool that criminology has to carry out its task, it will apply the different procedures and techniques to reconstruct the facts and in this way be able to reach the truth of what happened, that is, if indeed was a crime committed or not, how did it happen, who did it, why, among the most relevant questions that this discipline will have to resolve.

All the studies carried out must be supported by methods, techniques, which are typical of other disciplines or auxiliary sciences, but which are undoubtedly fundamental when it comes to discovering the how, who and why of a crime or crime, among them are the following: forensic art (the portrait made from the memory of the victim), forensic ballistics (deals with studying everything inherent in the cartridges, bullets and weapons involved in a homicide), fingerprint (it analyzes the fingerprints found at the scene of the event and also analyzes those that cannot be seen with the naked eye), documentscopy (studies documents that are of interest to the investigation, their veracity, among other issues), forensic photography (photographically portrays the crime scene), graphology (Through the signature or the letter of the perpetrator, it will allow to establish some pattern and personal characteristics), hematology (analyzes the footprints or presence of blood at the scene), Forensic Odontology (determines dental characteristics of the victim or of any other participant in the fact under investigation) and forensic toxicology (applied to both living and dead subjects, it makes it possible to establish from blood and urine tests whether there has been drug or alcohol use).

The criminalistic process, to be effective, will imply yes or yes the observance of these principles: preservation of the scene of the event, careful observation of the aforementioned place, fixation of the same, recovery of evidence and sending them to the laboratory for analysis.

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