
definition of fantastic tale

At the behest of the Literature, a story is a narrative that presents a series of fictional or fantastic facts, which is characterized by its brevity, argumentative simplicity, and that generally has the mission of entertaining, or teaching some questions didactically, especially to the infantile public, which, when perceiving the structure of the story, will be more comfortably delivered to the learning in question.

Subgenre of the story in which the fantasy that is mixed with part of reality prevails

For his part, fantastic tale It is a subgenre of the story and its salient detail is the presentation of an unreal and fantasy dimension in the course of the events narrated, in any case, this does not imply the disappearance of reality, there is a combination of real and fantastic elements.

It respects the aforementioned conditions of the story, that is, it proposes the story, the narration of daily events, although, at a certain moment in the story, a fantastic event will happen, which escapes the understanding of reality and which will turn the aforementioned story into a fantastic story.

Proposals of this type are usually presented by their authors from a realistic angle, that is, the elements and characters are absolutely credible and real for the reader, but they coexist with strange events that escape normality.

The usual thing is to present characters that for the reader are appreciated and conceived as common and ordinary, with whom they can even physically identify, however, the circumstances in which they are involved escape rational explanation and are mere fantasies that in no way They could occur in the reality of an ordinary person, that is, of the reader himself.

However, and despite that unreality that arises at a certain moment, the effect of reality is still present, usually marked by the context, which makes the reader find a logic to what he is discovering anyway.

Generally, what will mark the fantasy of the story consists of a fact that cannot be explained by science, by reason, and then it becomes something extremely mysterious and never experienced.

Also, and inevitably hand in hand with this fact of not being able to explain a question naturally, it is that confusion and uncertainty will appear in the reader.

Main features

There are a series of conditions that this type of narration meets that distinguishes it from the rest and allows it to be identified as such, such as: the framework in which the story occurs is true, events and elements that are plausible and implausible are combined, such is the case of the appearance on the scene of a genie contained in a lamp that proposes to the protagonist of the story that he ask for three wishes that will be immediately granted; Immediately afterwards, the protagonist asks for them, and he is granted to go from one moment to another from poverty to riches.

And ambiguity is also a condition that is present in the fantastic tale since it will admit a plurality of interpretations.

Fantasy themes can present various oddities such as: characters that have a double self, or another self, with which they interact.

Alterations of time and space, one of the most common cases and one that is normally used to apply this fantastic tool is the trip to the past, or going through a parallel reality on the part of the protagonist or some character, a journey that takes him to know his past history, or understand some events that led him to be in the situation he is in the present, or failing that, in the future trip to be able to anticipate what will happen to him, and in case it is something unpleasant, he he usually appeals to the resource of modifying that future or destiny so that the character can be happy, for example.

On the other hand, resources are also used such as the mix between dream and reality, the appearance of supernatural characters, such as ghosts, aliens, mutants, among the most common to see.

Obviously all this mixed information will generate passion in the reader and also some concern.

One of the most emblematic and well-known examples of literature of this type is the Arabian Nights, a compilation of fantastic tales from the East, which was compiled in the Middle Ages, and originally published in Arabic.


And regarding the component parts of this type of story, the following are counted: initial event (part that consists of the presentation of characters that are located in space and time), knot (moment in which the imbalance with respect to the history of the beginning appears and a transformation takes place in terms of it) and outcome (It is characterized by not resolving the conflict but even more, it generates another that increases the doubt of everything related).

They usually appeal to an open ending.

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