
definition of international economics

The International economy, or also called World economy, is that branch of the macroeconomic economics whose mission isembroider all the economic actions that a country maintains with the rest of the countries and that can be of a different nature such as: commercial, financial, tourist and technological, among other.

But also the International Economy will intervene in monetary matters, that is, in the use of the various currencies in the nations and the balance of payments adjustment.

Since the last century and to date, and it is expected that the trend will continue to increase, the international economy has become increasingly important as a consequence of the globalization of the markets that causes what happens in international markets to affect the markets of each country.

The economies of each country are linked to the rest of the countries through the International Trade which consists of the purchase and sale of products and services that are carried out abroad, and on the other hand through the finances, when both citizens or entities of a country have financial assets that are issued in a foreign country. It should be noted that it is more common for banks and companies to have financial relations abroad than for citizens to do so.

From the above, the division of the international economy into two branches arises, international trade theory, which deals precisely with commercial relations and international finance theory.

Within the framework of the current international economy, there are three geographical regions that are pioneers in dynamism: the European Union, the Asian bloc and NaftaMeanwhile, among its great proposals are a greater permeability in those economies of a socialist nature and, on the other hand, the fight against the growth of poverty and inequality, especially in countries of Latin America and Africa.

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