
definition of agricultural

The term agricultural is a term that is used as a qualifying adjective to designate a type of economic activity that is based on the production mainly of food from crops and livestock. Agricultural activities are understood as the primary or most basic activities that human beings have in order to survive since both have as their main objective the general food, whether they are crops, cereals or vegetables or meat and those derived from animals. The rest of the activities are secondary (industry) or tertiary (services). However, it is agricultural activity that has existed alongside man for the longest time.

The word agricultural is used to jointly designate agricultural activities such as livestock or livestock. These are considered to be the most relevant for human life and those that require the least investment since they involve the use of nature without transforming it excessively as is the case with industry. However, agricultural activities are time consuming as the quality products that can be obtained from them must grow, develop and mature until they are ready for human consumption.

It could be said that agricultural activity exists from the moment the Neolithic Revolution takes place, in which hunting and gathering are put aside because agriculture and grazing or livestock have been discovered. This revolution, which occurred in Prehistory, was the moment that allowed human beings to get their own food and not depend on what the environment could give them.

Agricultural activities have perhaps lost a certain place in current societies compared to industries and services, but there is no doubt that without the former, human life could not exist as we know it, since a large part of industry and human consumption it depends on agricultural products.

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