
definition of compliance

In its broadest sense, the word compliance refers to the action and effect of complying with a certain issue or with someone. Meanwhile, by complying, it is understood to do what was promised or agreed with someone previously that would be done in a certain time and form, that is, the performance of a duty or obligation.

Compliance is an issue that is present in almost all orders of life, in the workplace, in the personal, in the social, in the political, in the business world, among others, because always, regardless of subjects , objects and circumstances, this topic will appear. Meanwhile, in the workplace, compliance turns out to be an unequal condition when it comes to wanting to succeed or stay in a certain position. If I repeatedly miss my job, I make mistakes in my performance which of course cause serious problems in the company's production chain, I will be incurring a concrete lack of compliance with my job duties.

In the business world, as in the workplace, compliance will somehow mark the path of success or not, because as long as a company meets its payment obligations, both with its creditors and with its suppliers and resources Human beings, such a situation will make it a company that will inspire confidence in its potential investors by effectively fulfilling its obligations.

The positive connotation that the term compliance brings with it easily follows from this. Whenever a task, an activity or an obligation is fulfilled, they will be going on the path of personal improvement.

On the other hand, With the word compliance you can also refer to the end of a period or a period of time for something to be fulfilled. The painter, before starting his work, assured us that he would finish it in two weeks, two weeks later he has fulfilled his promise and has already finished it in accordance.

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