
definition of neonate

Is named neonate to the newborn baby, which is a baby that is 30 days or less, counted from the day of its birth, whether it was by natural birth or by cesarean section. The word applies both to those babies born before time, in a timely manner or after nine months of pregnancy.

Although it is a really very short stage of life, the changes that occur can lead to very decisive consequences for the rest of the newborn's life, because during these approximately 30 days it is that all those congenital or genetic defects with which the newborn may have been born will be discovered, even if a disease is detected, it can be treated almost from its beginning and therefore avoid future illnesses that are become more complex as a result of the passage of time.

After the birth, a series of tests and very specific examinations will take place that will allow to determine the health or, on the contrary, any disease, that the newborn suffers. For example, one of the most common is through the Apgar Test, which consists of simple cardiovascular and neurological parameters that scores from 0 to 10, it will be possible to know the state of the newborn regarding the aforementioned questions. Whoever scores 8 and above will be considered totally healthy.

Regarding weight, the standard indicates 3,250 - 3,500 for men and 3,000 - 3,250 for women.

To know if there has been any significant change, it is recommended to repeat the tests at 48 hours, before the baby and his mother are discharged.

The newborn will require constant care and attention as a consequence of the weakness it presents. It should be held with both hands making sure that both its head and neck are supported, sudden movements should be avoided. Meanwhile, the main way of communicating with their surroundings will be through crying, through which they will express the desire to eat or any other type of discomfort, therefore, we must be attentive to repeated cries.

And the reflexes that you should observe are: orientation or search, suction, cervical tonic, grasp and gait.

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