
definition of heading

The epigraph is a concept that has a special and recurrent use in fields such as literature, current information communication and architecture.

In architecture the epigraphs turn out to be very common and consist of inscriptions of legends that are practiced on the walls of a building to give them a distinction. Many times it indicates the destination that this construction has or had at some point.

On the other hand, in literature this word is widely used to designate that phrase that affirms or sentences some question inherent in a literary work and that the author then places at the beginning of a chapter or below the title of the work, for example .

And as we anticipated in the beginning of this review, in another of the areas where the term turns out to be super familiar and used is in the journalistic, even for those who do not work in this task, they usually recognize this term especially for the use that is made of it. attributes in journalism.

In the news media, the epigraph is one of the fundamental elements of a news item, together with, for example, the headline, the photo, the flyer, the drop and the body, and it consists of a brief description of the photograph that accompanies the information or note.

Photographs are often carriers of shocking information, sometimes they even inform more than a thousand words, but of course, it is very important that they are properly described so that the reader can understand the story and the context.

Epigraphy is the scientific discipline that deals with rigorously studying any type of inscription that has been made in a timely manner in solid materials, such as walls, and it even has the capacity to develop special methods and techniques to understand and read them if they are made in languages or dialects that are not contemporary. It is worth noting that this science works in an allied way with history and helps it in many ways to achieve fundamental contributions about the history of humanity and the cultures that passed through the planet.

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