
definition of versatility

More than one value, use and application

The concept of versatility is used to designate the property of versatility that something has. It will be said of something that is versatile when it has more than one value, use or application.

The concepts of versatility and versatility are applied in various fields, however, in some such as the doctor, it is where it is most familiar to us since it is used in association with issues such as vaccines. When a vaccine is polyvalent, it is because its application will be efficient in combating various pathogens.

On the other hand, when the concept is applied to people, it allows us to account for the value it holds in different contexts or that it is capable of offering us more than one service or solution to the problems that arise.

Basically then the versatile will be valuable, outstanding or useful in some sense.

Versatility, a value in demand in the workplace

With a concrete example we will better see the scope of the concept ... When at the request of a company an employee is said to be polyvalent, it is because it has been proven that he can perform more than one function or task, beyond the one originally developed and for which was hired.

This versatility can be influenced by the versatility of the employee that allows him to learn other tasks quickly or even the fact of being a veteran employee has an impact, that is, if he has been working in the company for a long time, this will give him an extra knowledge of all the movements and operations of the personnel that will allow you, for example, to replace a colleague who was absent.

As a consequence, more and more companies tilt their job searches towards professionals who respond satisfactorily in the aspect of versatility. Because it is one more value that the candidate can possess, as well as knowing languages, computers, among others.

Application of the concept in Chemistry

Meanwhile, in chemistry, polyvalent is called that chemical element that has several valencies. The valences are the numbers that allow us to know the ability to combine one atom with another and in this way reach the creation of a compound.

We must say that the one that concerns us is not a concept that is widely used by all, it is more common to use it in formal contexts and not in ordinary language. To refer to the exact same thing, it is more common for people to use the term polyfunctional.

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