
tool definition

In a broad sense, a tool is that element elaborated with the aim of making a certain activity or mechanical work easier, which requires, in order to bring it to fruition, a correct application of energy..

Meanwhile, in a less broad sense, The word tool is popularly used by people in ordinary language to refer to those strong and resistant utensils, mainly made with iron, as the origin of the word already anticipates and that they serve for people to carry out different mechanical works that do or they do need the application of physical force.

All existing tools and those that are being manufactured, always fulfill one or more specific purposes, that is, there is none that does not have a specific technical function.

Most of them turn out to be simple combinations of machines that have a mechanical advantage. In the case of the clamp, for example, it acts as if it were a double lever, its fulcrum being in the central joint, the power is given by the hand and the resistance is manifested by the part that it holds.

There are two types of tools, the mechanics, which use an external energy source, such as electrical energy and the manuals, which employ human muscular strength. Those of this type are generally made of steel, metal, wood or rubber and are mostly used to carry out repair or construction tasks, which without them would really be very complex.

Contradicting what was believed for centuries, human beings are not the only living beings capable of using a tool, there are some primates, such as chimpanzees, birds and even some insects that use different tools to carry out some actions, Among them, stones to be able to effectively break coconuts or eggs, sticks, to help them remove insects that threaten their nests and some others to process their food.

Another recurring use that observes the term tool is that of device or procedure that increases the ability to carry out certain tasks, for example programming tools, management tools, mathematics, among other.

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