
definition of duration

Time that something lasts or the time that elapses between the beginning and the end

Duration is called the time that something lasts, an object, a material, a garment, among others, or at the time between the beginning and the end. "The duration of the crisis between Marcia and Juan was very long, three months it took them to resolve their sentimental situation"; "The duration of the film is 115 minutes, too long for my liking"; "The duration of the skirt was practically nil, it broke in the second wash."

The most common synonyms that are used instead of this word are: durability, durability, solidity, time, while the opposing concepts are those of transience, something that just has a very limited duration in time; and fragility, that which breaks very easily, usually because it is not solid and is weak.

Music: How long the vibrations last

While, in the music, the duration turns out to be the how long the vibrations last after the production of a sound; the duration is closely related to the rhythm and will be represented in the wave by the seconds it contains.

The duration of a sound can be represented through the figure of the notes; the figure that has the mission of representing the unit is the round figure and it is the reference point to be able to know the duration of the rest of the figures. And the other way to know the duration of a sound will be through the dotted sign, it will be placed to the right of the note in question and is used to add half of the original duration that it registers to a sound.

Use in history

On the other hand, it is a concept that is recurrently used to designate a level of historical time that corresponds to important stability structures through time, such as ideological phenomena, biological realities, among others.

Vinyl disc

And on the other hand, a vinyl record or twelve inches and 30.5 in diameter is called long duration, popularly also called as LP, or Long Play in English. It precisely consists of a large size vinyl record, in the measurements already specified. In them it is possible to record in analog format around 25 minutes of sound on each side. Approximately the Long Lengths contain between eight and twelve musical themes.

Towards the end of the 1940s, these types of discs began to be marketed. Until the eighties of the same century, long durations were hyper popular since they were the main way in which marching bands and soloists published their musical creations. Every time a Full Length was released it was quite an event for the band in question.

Technology, as in most fields and areas of life, introduced changes in this sense, that is, in the way bands and media were recorded, and then from the eighties on, the long duration lost. presence and prominence and gave popularity to cassettes that were smaller and more resistant. Later these would also be displaced by more advanced proposals such as CDs. And nowadays not to mention so many other options of devices in which it is possible to record music.

Anyway we must mention that in recent years there has been a vintage revival and in some countries there has been a resurgence of the format that of course caused nostalgia among its fans and cultists.

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