
definition of morality

Morality is behaving in conformity and coherence with the precepts of established and accepted morality.

Behave in a manner consistent with the maxims established in a society and in tune with correctness and nobility

It is usually associated with the idea of ​​acting in a noble and correct way.

Meanwhile, for moral is known to set of beliefs, customs, values ​​and norms assumed by an individual or a social group and which in some way functions as a kind of guide when it comes to action.

That is, morality helps us to know which actions are correct or good and which are not, being bad and incorrect.

Always and almost all people have an idea or vision about what is good or bad and it is precisely on this assessment that morality is founded.

There is no general assessment or consideration about morality, but on the contrary, there is more than one way to understand and look at it.

Religious and human guidelines that sustain morality

Religion has its own vision, there is also a human assessment that serves as a reference to evaluate the behaviors of individuals, while all these somehow agree on a point to indicate what is right or what is wrong.

And these guidelines or conditions that emerge are what create morality.

Any behavior that people develop has a moral component, that is, it can be judged by others and by ourselves regarding whether it is correct or not, whether it is good or bad, among others.

It is considered consistent with morality when it is good.

There are behaviors and actions that a priori are considered immoral and, for example, are valued negatively, such is the case of the exercise of violence against others, lack of respect, solidarity with others, among others. And of course there are also behaviors associated with the positive and morally valued such as being: solidarity, charity, love, sacrificing oneself for others.

Although not only morality is reduced to this, but there are those who prefer to understand it as the knowledge that is acquired on the highest and noble and that the individual will then always respect when acting.

What is considered moral or beliefs about morality are generalized and codified by a certain culture or in a social group, as appropriate, and therefore, it will be this same that will regulate the behavior of the group members.

Also, it is usually associate morality with religious and ethical principles that a society agrees to always respect and that therefore, if they are violated, they will be severely punished by their subscribers.

Morality in religion

In the case of Catholicism, for example, the ten commandments proposed by God to his people act in this religion as a moral guide. The faithful, then, must respect them and live in accordance with them and if they do not do so, they will be punished for it.

In this aspect, religion is very harsh, if there is no respect for these precepts, the believer cannot be part of the community because he betrays it.

The set of moral norms is designated as objective morality, because they exist as social facts regardless of whether the subject decides to abide by them or not, as long as the subjective morality It is composed of those acts through which an individual respects or violates the moral norm.

If we take into account that the actions of individuals are always oriented to the achievement of a good, the idea of ​​moral responsibility will inevitably appear, because there is no mental illness or psychological imbalance that prevents it from doing so, for example, and that prevent you from thinking about forging a better future, and of course, this will be plausible making use of moral values.

And the other recurring use of the word morality is to refer to the quality of actions, which makes them good and morally acceptable.

Incredibly, in the 21st century the morality of eroticism continues to be discussed.

We must say that it is also common to meet people who have a double standard, this means that they propose a way of being and acting and in action they do the absolutely opposite and negative. For example, the one who calls to be in solidarity with others and in practice is selfish.

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