
definition of multiplication

Together with addition, subtraction and division, multiplication is one of the mathematical operations most prominent and also one of the most used and applied by individuals in our daily lives when it is necessary to perform accounts on x situations.

Mathematical operation that consists of obtaining a result by repeating a number x number of times

Multiplication consists of find a result x from the repetition of a number x number of times and as indicated by another number, for example, 6 x 4This implies repeating the number six four times which gives us 24 as a result; 6 and 4 are formally called factors and the result, 24, product.

The purpose of the multiplication operation is to find the product from the proposed factors.

It should be noted that multiplication is exactly the same as adding as many times as a number indicates a given value, then, in the case that we proposed 6+6+6+6 = 24.

Associated with this operation and to make the task much easier, the multiplication tables, there are nine tables: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

There is a basic rule in multiplication which is that every number multiplied by 0 will result in 0, since 0 acts as an absorbing element.

Meanwhile, multiplying any number by 1 will result in the same number, for example 4 x 1 = 4, since 1 acts as a neutral element.

Learn to multiply through tables

The tables were created with the mission of facilitating the operation so as not to have to add each number so many times; Learning the tables by heart, as they teach us in school, will make multiplication faster and easier.

Such tables are taught during the first years of school in the subject of mathematics and their knowledge and learning is of vital importance in the framework of basic and initial education since they will allow us to perform accounts in any situation that daily life demands of us. .

It is essential that before teaching the operation of multiplication those of addition and subtraction have been taught, in this order.

As we have already pointed out, mathematical operations are constantly applied in our daily lives, when we go to the supermarket to do the shopping, when we buy a gift, when we go to dinner with friends and we want to distribute the value of the food, to name a few examples.

Another characteristic associated with the multiplication operation is the commutative property which supposes that the alteration in the order of the factors to carry it out will not alter in any way the product or result, that is, 6 x 4 or 4 x 6 will have the same product = 24.

Increase of something

And the other of the uses of the word multiplication in the common language of people is to allow to refer to the increment that observes something at an outstanding level. “The multiplication of visits our website has received in the last month is shocking.”

This sense is often used as a synonym for reproduction, increase, proliferation and repetition.

We usually apply it in countless situations and contexts.

In the field of religion, the act of multiplication has a special history and symbolism since the concept has been used at the request of Jesus to demonstrate that it was the son of God, who was capable of performing miracles in his name.

In one of his many public interventions, Jesus demonstrated this by multiplying bread and wine on a table when it was scarce, before the astonished gaze of those present, who as a consequence believed that they were before the son of God as he himself had been preaching. .

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