
definition of standardization

The process by which an activity is carried out in a standard or previously established manner is known as standardization. The term standardization comes from the term standard, which refers to an established, accepted and normally followed way or method to carry out certain types of activities or functions. A standard is a more or less expected parameter for certain circumstances or spaces and is what must be followed in case of resorting to some types of action.

The term of standardization has as its main connotation the idea of ​​then following the standard process through which one has to act or proceed. At the same time, this idea involves complying with rules that, although in certain cases may be implicit, in most cases are explicit rules and important compliance in order to obtain the expected and approved results for the activity. in question. This is especially so in the case of standardization procedures that are used to corroborate the proper functioning of machinery, equipment or companies according to the established parameters and standards.

However, standardization can also refer to the idea that one item, product, knowledge or way of thinking is equal to the others. Here the idea of ​​globalization and globalization comes into play, which supposes that a product or consumer good is manufactured according to certain standardization rules and therefore is carried out in the same way in Japan, Brazil or India. Standardization, then, is in this sense the phenomenon by which the different global manufacturing processes converge towards a single style that predominates worldwide and that seeks to establish similarities between each item regardless of where they come from or where they go. This view of the term standardization has received significant criticism for representing the cancellation of diversity on a global level.

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