
definition of butterfly

Recognized as one of the most beautiful and attractive insects to look at, the butterfly is a lepidoptera (an order of the animal world that includes both butterflies and moths and describes those insects with scale-like wings) and is undoubtedly one of the most abundant insects on the planet. It is considered that there are about more than 160 thousand different species of them on Earth.

One of the most striking and well-known elements of the life cycle of butterflies has to do with the fact that these insects are born as very simple and discolored caterpillars to transform in their adult life into spectacular and colorful specimens that can combine all kinds of tones , drawings and shapes on their wings. This process of metamorphosis is one of the best known within the animal world since the differences between the starting point and the final results are astonishing. In scientific terms, the life cycle of a butterfly is divided into four stages: egg, larva, pupa and finally butterfly or imago.

Throughout their growth, the caterpillars that will later transform into beautiful butterflies feed on certain types of plants, considering that each type of butterfly feeds on specific plants and not on any type (generally, those that are found in the environment that surrounds them).

Without a doubt, one of the most striking and outstanding elements of a butterfly are its wings. They consist of two pairs, the front and rear wings and the former are larger than the latter. These wings usually show incredible colors, unique and unrepeatable, which have to do with courtship and mating processes, but also with temperature regulation and concealment from the presence of possible predators.

Other characteristics of butterflies is that they have a sucking mouth apparatus through which they can obtain pollen from certain flowers. In addition, they have two antennae, six legs (each composed of three parts or sections) and two large eyes. Your body can be divided into three parts: the head, the thorax and the abdomen.

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