
definition of labor exploitation

Any work activity involves an agreement between an employer and a worker. In this agreement, the employer proposes salary conditions, a schedule and functions to perform and, in return, the worker receives a salary. If this link is established within the framework of legality and respect, it is a dignified activity, but if the conditions are abusive and outside the law, labor exploitation occurs.

The concept of labor exploitation normally has several characteristics and generally all of them are manifested together. On the one hand, the working day far exceeds 8 hours a day and rest times are not respected. The salary is much lower than that established according to the agreements in force. On the other hand, the work is carried out in precarious conditions (without the necessary security and without sufficient technical conditions).

Causes of labor exploitation

There are several causes that cause this phenomenon. Some unscrupulous employers seek easy enrichment at the expense of the workers. Economic crises are a favorable breeding ground for exploitation. The absence of trade union organizations in some countries is one of the circumstances that favor abuses in the world of work.

The many faces of the phenomenon

Contrary to what might appear at first glance, labor exploitation is not a minority and marginal reality. In fact, large multinational companies create their products from an organizational structure in which workers, including children, receive precarious wages and work in terrible conditions. In this sense, some analysts affirm that certain jobs of large corporations are carried out in conditions of semi-slavery.

Labor exploitation may be related, in turn, to mafias that are involved in human trafficking, prostitution or inequality between men and women.

How to combat exploitation?

While there is no definitive solution to solve this problem, there are ways to combat it. The media can make this reality known and report abuses to public opinion. Consumers have the option not to buy products related to labor abuses. Governments have tools to prosecute this scourge, especially labor inspectorates.

Workers can organize to fight against this form of oppression (the strike is the traditional tool that has been used throughout history). Although there are ways to combat labor exploitation, the exploiters also have their strategies to continue their abuses.

Photos: Fotolia - askib / fotomek

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