
definition of teeth

Teeth They are one of the most important parts of our body. They are found inside our mouth and we use them especially to chew, grind, the food we eat. This crushing will obviously facilitate its transfer through the digestive tract. They also turn out to be indispensable when it comes to oral expression. We only have to watch a toothless person speak to realize how difficult it will be to understand their diction without teeth.

Due to these important functions they perform, we must take care of them in a preventive way to avoid being affected by some of the typical conditions, such as cavities, dental plaque, gingivitis or inflammation of the gums, among others.

The teeth of human beings are characterized by their white color and their hardness, that is, they are rather solid bodies that are made up of calcium and phosphorus. They are implanted in the maxillary bones of the jaw, in the mouth.

Meanwhile, there are four types of teeth that people have and each of these has a particular function: the canines tear, the incisors cut the food, the molars take care of grinding and the premolars of grinding the food.

Its appearance occurs at a very early age, within a few months of the life of any person, while those teeth, popularly known as milk teeth, are temporary, at the age of between five or six years they fall out spontaneously and the definitive denture emerges.

The moment of the milk teething change is usually a very special moment for the person since at a certain point it marks their maturity. Even around this time quite particular rites have arisen such as that of the Pérez Mouse, an imaginary character that appears every time a child falls out of a baby tooth to take it away and instead leaves money for that child.

Usually the tooth is placed under the pillow overnight and a bill appears in its place the next morning.

The main actions we can take to take care of our teeth is to brush them regularly after meals and make regular visits to the dentist, who is the professional who takes care of the health of the teeth.

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