
definition of architectural

Own or related to architecture

The term architectural refers to everything related to or related to architecture, for example, architectural styles, which turn out to be that architectural classification in terms of technical form, materials, period and region.

Architectural styles and elements

Architectural styles are one of the ways that exist when classifying the various periods that have occurred in the history of architecture and that will be characterized by presenting properties that make buildings or any other structure remarkable and identifiable as part of a time. or time.

Usually the forms, construction methods and materials used are what allow us to carry out the classification.

As in all areas of life, time has marked changes and evolutions, and of course, architecture, part of it, has not been exempt from them. Fashions, politics, customs, beliefs, religion, new ideologies and technology have influenced the generation of the various styles that marked a time in history of course.

Usually the styles changed based on new ideas and also as a consequence of a rebellion against the style that was proposed to change.

For example, the Gothic architecture is an architectural style, which was located between the end of the 13th century and the beginning of the 15th century. This type paid special attention to the lightness of structures and the illumination of the ships from inside the buildings. It was applied mainly in the religious sphere and the pointed arch and the ribbed vault turn out to be its two basic structural elements.

For its part, the architectural element consists of each of the functional, structural and decorative parts that are present in an architectural work. Among them elements we can distinguish the supported elements, such is the case of the lintel, the arch, the vault, the dome, beams, roofs; the supporting elements such as the wall, the pillar, the column, the foundations and buttresses, among others; We must also talk about the elements that mark the relationship between the different spaces of a work, such as stairs, balconies, doors and windows; and the decorative architectural elements that precisely have the function of decorating. They can be integrated into some of the elements mentioned above, their main mission being ornamentation and not structural, as is the case with those previously mentioned.

Molding, for example, is one of the most popular and beautiful decorative architectural elements. It consists of a raised relief.

What is architecture?

Meanwhile, for architecture it designates the technique or art of projecting, designing and constructing buildings and structures, that is, habitable spaces for human beings. The architecture is considered one of the seven fine arts because somehow it has the purpose of express beauty. Undoubtedly, there are some buildings and other constructions that turn out to be authentic works of art, since they are considered primarily based on their aesthetics and sensitive structure. Architecture is not dedicated to mere construction, period, but is concerned with delineating meaningful spaces in which human beings can develop our activities.

The architect

Meanwhile, it is called architect to the professional specially trained in the projection of buildings or urban spaces and who will be in charge of ensuring the correct development of the construction that he directs.

His job basically consists of interpreting the needs that his clients pose to him and then expressing them in spaces; In a way, the architect is an artist, because he puts his creative capacity to the full height so that the demands of his clients become a reality that accompanies both the desires of comfort and habitability.

The career of architect is studied at the Faculty of Architecture and depending on the study plans of each country, it usually lasts between five and six years of study.

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