
definition of arrogant

The word arrogant is the term we commonly use when we want to express that a individual stands out for his pride and arrogance in interaction with others. In the social sphere, it is easy to detect the arrogant since they always appear conceited and with an air of improvement in front of others.

It is also common that look at those around you with contempt because he believes that he is at a higher level than all, without exception.

Many indicate that arrogant behavior is closely linked to the need to value oneself to increase a hurt esteem, or failing that it is the consequence of a strong level of shame that hides from unbridled pride that ultimately does not exist. Really.

It is important to mention that the social life of the arrogant person is not easy at all, much less since that posture of constant improvement or elevation with respect to others does nothing more than move him away from the common people, who generally feel in the face of these attitudes uncomfortable and tends to push it away or avoid it.

The arrogant behavior presents a certain similarity to the egocentric, especially because of the constant inclination to show that they are superior to others. One of his most frequent tactics is humiliation and contempt for the other, because with this he feels that he has triumphed over others.

Meanwhile, who is arrogant is because he is moved by arrogance, as it is called that way of being that stands out for having excessive pride and that then leads that individual to believe that he is better and superior to the rest. Arrogance is classified as a personality flaw.

Although, although the aforementioned meaning is the most widespread that the word presents, it should be noted that we also use it to express that someone is brave and determined in their actions and behavior.

The concept that is directly opposed to arrogant is that of humble.

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