
definition of parallelogram

At the behest of the geometry is called as quadrilaterals To them polygons that have four sides, two diagonals and four vertices, but that can have different shapes, this being its most salient physical characteristic.

While, the parallelogram, the geometric figure that will occupy us next, is a type of quadrilateral although particular, since its sides are parallel two by two, that is, its opposite sides are parallel to each other.

There are different types of parallelograms, right parallelograms, which are characterized because all their internal angles are right, that is, they measure 90 ° and the parallelograms not rectangles, which have two acute internal angles and the other two internal angles are obtuse. When the angle is obtuse, it is because it measures more than 90 ° but is less than 180 °.

Now, enter the first, the rectangular parallelograms, we find the square and the rectangle and in the non-rectangles the rhombus and rhomboid stand out.

The square It is distinguished from the rest by presenting four equal sides and four right angles, likewise, it has four axes of symmetry, four edges and four vertices.

For its part, the rectangle, another popular parallelogram, has four sides that make up right angles and its opposite sides are equal in length. In this sense it differs from the square because only these opposite sides have similar length, in the square all the sides have the same extension.

On the side of diamond also its four sides observe the same length while the opposite interior angles will be equal. And the rhomboid it is midway between the rhombus and the rectangle, its angles and also its sides being identical from two to two.

Then, from the above it follows that the group of parallelograms gathers together several geometric figures.

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