
definition of international relations

International relations are understood to be the set of links established between two or more countries in the world. International relations are one of the most primitive forms of bond that exists for the human being if we take into account that they arise at the moment when a society seeks to relate to another for different reasons.

It is usually considered that international relations have to do with politics and although this is undeniable, we can also say that they are established many times in relation to cultural, economic, military, geographical issues, etc. This is so because the possibilities of exchange between two or more societies are very varied and infinite, being able to give only one or more of them at the same time.

Originally, the two most common reasons for which two societies could be related were those that had to do with the economy and war. Thus, commercial and economic exchanges have been, on the one hand, the main reason for international relations: exchanges that often had to do with obtaining products that are difficult to obtain or highly valued. These relationships are maintained today on a large scale, at the planetary level and in many cases imply a significant inequality between those territories considered world powers and other underdeveloped ones that are at the service of the former. In addition, international relations focused on the economy are nowadays intervened by numerous international organizations that govern the rules.

The other very traditional, and less useful, form of international relations is that which has to do with conflicts between two regions due to various causes. This type of relationship is known as war and involves endless problems not only for the countries that intervene in it but also for others. Wars and armed conflicts have existed forever and usually have to do with political disputes, over natural resources, over the economy, over sovereignty, etc.

Finally, another less visible but no less important type of international relations is that which has to do with the cultural exchanges that can occur between various territories. The most interesting thing about this type of relationship is that they do not always imply a dominance of the more powerful civilization over the other but, as happened between the Romans and the Greeks, a society with a highly developed culture can influence even a more powerful one. economically or militarily.

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