
definition of speaking

The ability to communicate through articulated sounds that the human being has is called speaking. These sounds are produced by the speech apparatus, which includes the tongue, soft palate, vocal cords, teeth, etc. This property is distinctive in man, since although it is present in different species of the animal kingdom, it is in the nature of man that it reaches its highest manifestation, insofar as it displays a very high degree of complexity and abstraction in regarding the content.

The discipline that aims to explain communication through speech is called linguistics. This was initiated at the beginning of the century by Ferdinand de Saussure through the notes taken by his students in his classes that would make up the famous General Linguistics Course; His observations took language as a set of multi-level structures, and would be the starting point for the conformation of the structuralist current, which was devoted to the study of various social sciences. There are many approaches by which linguistics addressed speech and communication through it, but one of the most conspicuous is that developed by Noam Chomsky.

Chomsky from the establishment of a universal grammar; This model distinguishes between what exists as common in all languages ​​and those variable elements in each one of them; thus, it is devoted to the description of a syntax applicable to each language of the world. It should be noted that his ideas went through various periods and vicissitudes, but they have been the most relevant in linguistics that the 20th century offered.

Despite the theories and advances in the field, the ability to speak has obscure aspects that are difficult to elucidate for the moment, which may be answered in the future.. The complexity that it reached in such a short period of time is undoubtedly an enigma to be solved.

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