
definition of counseling

Counseling is an extremely common procedure in our culture, developed by people who have remarkable and special knowledge about a subject or discipline and which consists precisely in using this expertise to advise and inform about it to those who need it to develop a task, to carry out an activity, among others, that requires expert knowledge of that topic or subject.

Expert advice can be seen at various levels and contexts of society and in the most different subjects. That is, advice can appear with all its weight in issues considered hyper sophisticated and complex as well as in smaller issues but that does not mean that they sometimes need the assistance of a great connoisseur in these to develop them accordingly.

Normally, as we indicated at the beginning of this review, the person who will demand the advice of an expert through advice is that person or organization that does not have precise knowledge about a subject that has to be addressed or developed. Meanwhile, to do so in the most satisfactory way possible, the ideal is to call for the advice of who knows. This will avoid mistakes in action, important omissions, among other typical problems that can arise when someone does or says something without adequate knowledge.

At present, counseling has become a hyper-common practice, especially due to the enormous number of questions that are appearing thanks to the fabulous development that new technologies generate at all levels, and then, as progress is so, so fast, many times it becomes impossible to learn new things on the fly and that is where the need arises to call an expert to assist us.

Even more, today, the advice is deployed by professionals who have organizations and companies that are dedicated to advising whoever hires them in the field who are experts. In image, in communication, in politics, in economics, in design, in decoration, to name some of the most common areas.

However, this does not imply that in the past advice was not common, of course it was also common and so it is that in political and economic matters, many great leaders knew how to have great advice to carry out their efforts.

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