
definition of wheat

The wheat is the name given to that plant belonging to the grass family and that has terminal spikes that are made up of three or more races of grains, from which, once crushed, the flour is obtained.

As with other cereals, the word wheat, in addition to designating the plant, also designates its seeds.

Next to corn and rice, wheat is unot of the three grains most produced in the world and also the one that humans consume the most since ancient times. It should be noted that its origin dates back to Mesopotamia (Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Turkey) about seven thousand years ago. Meanwhile, it would not be until its cultivation in a conscious and careful way that wheat would produce constant and sound food for the entire planet, since in the wild, original state, it could never have become one of the most popular foods.

The yellow is the characteristic color of wheat and its main uses are: to make flour, as we discussed above, beer, whole wheat flour, semolina and an important variety of foods.

The growth and development of wheat require specific climatic conditions such as: temperatures that oscillate between 3 ° and 33 ° C, being between 10 ° and 25 ° the most related brand; need for humidity between 40 and 70%; It has a low need for water, from 400 to 500 mm. per cycle; and the most favorable soil will be that loose, deep, fertile and free from floods.

On your side, candeal wheat It is a type of wheat that is whiter than the traditional one and that shows a superior quality. Among its main benefits are: starch, fiber, phytosterols, gluten and cellulose.

Currently, China is the nation that leads the world wheat production, ousted the Union Soviet who held the throne for years and years, then followed by the India and the United States.

And in popular language it is frequent that we find the use of the term wheat contained in a sentence: not be clean wheat (which applies to a person or a matter when they do not turn out to be clear or transparent, as expected).

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