
definition of business ethics

business ethics is a branch within ethics that deals especially and exclusively with questions of a moral nature that arise or arise at the behest of the business and corporate world.

Branch of ethics that deals with addressing moral issues that arise at the behest of business activity

Namely, the ethics is a series of moral norms that have the function of regulating the relationships or behaviors of men in a given context or environment.

It should be noted that ethics is precisely that part of the philosophy that precisely deals with the morality of the acts of human beings, and therefore, according to an established and agreed moral standard, allows us to determine the acts as good or bad.

Topics in which it ventures

There are so many and varied topics that concern the branch of business ethics, among which the following stand out: the moral principles inherent in business activity, the prevailing values ​​in the environment in general, and then in each case in particular, development of normative guides that are based on moral precepts that help guide and govern both the activity of the company and that of its members, the promotion and inculcation of the adopted values, among others.

It should be noted that the behavior observed by directors or those individuals who display a leadership or command role in organizations is of vital importance, since it will have a lot to do with the construction of business ethics.

Because when the directors of x company observe attitudes and behaviors that are ethically compliant, they will infect and motivate their employees to act in the same way.

Putting it in simpler terms, when practiced from above with the example, the lower strata absorb that ideal and respond in the same direction, and the diametrically opposite will happen if one acts in an elusive manner, the employees or subordinates will not tend to identify or identify themselves. with the company, nor with its objectives.

So, when in any company respect for ethical values ​​prevails, it is almost a condition without equanom that no one will proceed in order to corrupt them, meanwhile, in those organizations in which economic benefits are the only ones that rule, there it will tend to forget about respect for moral principles.

Now, when the economic question is the one that dominates, an additional problem is added, which is that the personnel suffer a kind of contradiction between the moral principle that follows and the pressure to achieve the economic objectives that are sent from the management.

If you aspire to have a lasting, solid and trustworthy company, it will be essential to allocate time and space to the cultivation of moral values.

Not everything is profit, you have to respect moral values

Not everything is billing and billing as it takes place, without stopping for a moment to think about the needs and objectives of employees or consumers that go beyond satisfying them with a product or service that is marketed.

The key to the success of a company does not lie only in selling and selling, but it must pay attention to ethical values ​​so that its success is complete.

That company that deploys a commercial policy in which ethical values ​​are met will be more than any other aimed at success, while when we speak of respecting these values, it includes all the social actors that intervene in the commercial game.

When all the members of the company understand that the activity must be subject to respect for ethics, it will not take long for the feeling of unity and personal identification with the values ​​proposed by the company to emerge spontaneously.

When nothing matters more than meeting business objectives, internal conflicts will inevitably appear, lack of identification, among others, which of course will directly affect the growth and success of the organization.

The company that respects moral values ​​will have a super positive image

On the other hand, we cannot ignore that knowing that a company respects and adheres to an ethic will impact on the consideration that society is formed of it, being highly positive in this sense.

Working according to values ​​such as truth, transparency and coherence will always be an advantage over rival companies, generating an image of credibility for the exterior and also for the interior, and the consequent loyalty of consumers and employees.

Meanwhile, the ethical values ​​that are cultivated, proposed and disseminated must be respected and sustained over time, it is useless to ensure it for a time and then prioritize the obtaining of profits, in addition to generating confusion, it will not take long for the problems that before we indicated.

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