
glossary definition

A Glossary is a catalog that contains words belonging to the same discipline or field of study, appearing the same explained, defined and commented, but, likewise, a glossary can be a catalog of unusual words or of the set of comments and glosses on the texts of a certain author.

Many times the glossary is usually included at the end, or failing that, at the beginning of a book or an encyclopedia, with the aim of complementing the information it provides.. For example, a novel or work that develops its action in England can include several terms in English, then, in the glossary these terms will be explained and in this way the reader will be able to understand with greater precision the meaning of the text that is reading.

Almost always, the concept of a glossary is usually related to that of a dictionary, because they more or less have the same function, although what the dictionary does is collect and explain the meaning of the words of a certain language or subject in an orderly manner, that is, following an alphabetical order.

There are different types of glossaries because each field and field will develop one in question. Thus, an environmental glossary will provide an explanation of terms such as recycling, ecology, and sustainable, and an IT glossary will clarify those concepts such as hardware, software, internet, computer, among others.

Glossaries are prepared mostly by specialists in the fields they deal with and aim to reach a wider audience, that is, they seek to reach beyond those interested in the subject they deal with.

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