
layout definition

The word layout is generally applied in the context of computing and in this sense we speak of the layout of a web page. On the other hand, the structure of a book, a newspaper or a magazine can also be layout. The same happens with some reproductions, especially that of airplanes.

The layout of a website

The main idea of ​​a website layout consists of the distribution of the elements of a page, that is, texts, images, links and graphics arranged in an orderly fashion. Whoever performs this activity in a professional way is a graphic designer.

Designing a website implies giving a certain format to all the elements of a page. Among the technical aspects to be considered, the most significant are the following:

- In the document in which the layout is reflected, a specific font must be used with an adequate size, as well as a page orientation (vertical or horizontal).

- To achieve a certain structure, a compositional grid is used, that is, a template in which all the elements of the page are incorporated. The purpose of the grid is to facilitate the consultation of the web in all senses, especially reading.

- In every layout process there is a base layout, that is, a master page or first page in which all the elements of a publication appear.

- In the layout of a website, it is convenient to avoid a whole series of possible errors (single words in some paragraphs, partitions of words in a line, the inadequate width of the columns or an unattractive typography).

The layout of a book

There are computer programs that allow you to layout books in a simple way and without the need to resort to a graphic design professional. In this way, low-income writers can not only write their creations but also design and edit their own book. A simple solution is the layout in Word.

However, there are specific programs for layout, such as Adobe Indesign or QuarkPress. Layout programs have a number of tools (for example, document preflighting) that ensure an attractive book design.

Layout understood as reproduction

Certain objects are reproducible to scale, such as models of houses, a city or an airplane. In the world of aviation there is a modality, model aircraft, which focuses precisely on the layout of commercial or military aircraft.

Photos: Fotolia - everythingpossible / peshkova

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