
definition of monarch

In monarchical forms of government, the monarch, also called king or queen, is the head of state of the Nation. As is publicly known, this form of government was born understanding some kind of divine intervention, that is why in its practice and more than anything in previous centuries, the monarch was clothed with a divine aura. For example, the cultures or peoples that believed in this assumed that the monarch was a direct elect of God on earth to enforce his precepts and decisions. Traditionally, who was a monarch, had received that inheritance charge and will keep it perpetually, until death or some other force majeure terminates it before its time.

But this was a reality exclusively of antiquity, because in contemporary monarchies, the position of king, although it has not been modified in matters such as inheritance, perpetuity of the position, living in luxurious castles and palaces and being maintained by the The rest of the people or the plebs, as the people used to be called in the past, the question of divinity has gradually been relativized and the monarchs today exercise rather a function of external and internal representation, but without intervening in questions of state decisions that are reserved for the Prime Minister and Parliament.

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