
definition of meritorious

The term of worthy can be used in our language to designate that or that which for the services it provides or the task it performs is worthy of an acknowledgment, prize or reward. His worthy action with the community was distinguished through an award given by the municipal authority.

So, the most widespread use of this concept in our language is given at the request of indicating that what someone does is characterized by being meritorious, worthy, and honorable.

The opposite side of worthy will be what is characterized as unworthy and despicable, which does not have an iota of praiseworthy.

Now, we must indicate that meritorious is not the most popular term in our language when referring to the above, but there are other words that have a more widespread and popular use, such is the case of meritorious, worthy, honorable, among the most used.

On the other hand, in Spain, we do find a specific and very recurrent use for this term since it is nicknamed or called in a rather popular way to the Spanish Civil Guard.

The Spanish Civil Guard is the main military body in charge of ensuring public security in Spain. As such it is coupled to the rest of the bodies that the state has in this sense.

Its creation is due to Spanish military man and Duke of Ahumada, Francisco Javier Nepomuceno Girón, who created it in 1844. Meanwhile, it would be in 1929 that it would begin to receive the nickname of the meritorious. And in that denomination a lot has had to do with their action in favor of the safety of the community, providing them protection, in those initiatory years, especially on the roads.

A serious consequence for the Spanish community that left the war they had with France for independence was the presence of vandals and thieves on the roads. Then, willing to put an end to it, the Duke of Ahumada proceeded to create it.

Its excellent deployment made it the main reference in local security.

Also, the distinction he received in 1929, the Grand Cross of the Civil Order of Charity, contributed to the installation of that nickname.

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