
definition of line

According to the context in which the word is used straight You can refer various questions in our language. In general terms, the word straight is used to account for everything or that which is directed to a point without deviating and that therefore in its trajectory does not lean towards both sides, it does not present curves or angles. Consider an example of an aircraft runway that has a trajectory without side deviations, no curvatures, and no angles.

This sense is used a lot also when giving directions that allow us to get to a given place or destination in a town or city. Even in GPS systems the concept is constantly pronounced when the indication is to go straight to a point without deviating to either side, without turning, for example.

Integrity, morality, balance and fairness with which a person acts

Too, When you want to give an account of the integrity, morality, balance and fairness with which a person acts, the word straight is usually used to qualify this disposition towards the described way of acting.

This sense of the word is one of the ones we use the most in our language. It is basically a positive quality that is widely valued in the person who has it because the righteous person will always act and behave in order and following justice, and will also be incorruptible.

Righteous people will never accept from another a bribe, a bribe to act or think in a certain way.

The other side will be the dishonest, corrupt person, who will be easy to corrupt for a few pesos or with the promise of granting him some material good. Unfortunately, in the world we can meet these two types of people, the righteous and the dishonest. The problem lies when the dishonest occupies places where there should be an upright person, such is the case of the public function, of the state, where rectitude is demanded as a fundamental condition to be able to effectively satisfy the needs of a population.

Other uses: in words and in books

On the other hand, straight is also called the literal and primitive sense of the words.

In addition, the folio or flat of a book that once opened falls to the right of the one who reads it is called straight.

Geometric line: continuous and indefinite succession of points in a single dimension and that does not present neither a beginning nor an end

Meanwhile, another of the well-publicized meanings found in the word is the one that corresponds to the context of Geometry. In this area, the straight or simply straight line is that ideal entity that only has one dimension and contains infinite points, since it is composed of infinite segments, likewise, it is usually described as a continuous and indefinite succession of points in a single dimension and that presents neither a beginning nor an end.

The line, together with the point and the plane, is one of the fundamental geometric entities.Usually the lines within geometry are called with a lowercase letter and can be expressed by an equation such as the following: y = mx + b, being the x and y variables of the plane and m the slope of the line that is related to the inclination that it takes with respect to the pair of axes that define the plane, while b will be the ordinate to the origin and will be the value of the point at which the line intersects the vertical axis in the plane.

Among the main characteristics that a line observes are the following: it extends to infinity in both directions, the shortest distance between two points is given in a straight line and that is a set of points located along the intersection of two blueprints.

And following in the plane of geometry, straight is called the angle that measures 90 °.

A plan that comes to an end

And there is a popular phrase that we use a lot in our language and that contains precisely this word: home stretch. We use this saying or phrase frequently when we want to realize that something, a situation, a plan or project is entering its culminating stage, that is, they are near the end.

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