
definition of technical report

When there is a technical problem in x area of ​​work or study, such as science or engineering, to name a few fields that usually use it, to describe in detail and precisely that problem found, observed, is that it is implemented the use of the technical report.

It is worth mentioning that this type of report, generally, is made at the request of a person or someone who requests it, so that they are given light and information on a matter.

As we pointed out, this report is normally directed to a specific person, a company, a particular person, among others, who must know for sure everything that was carried out in relation to the problem exposed in the report. Information, of a practical nature, certain useful data and the possible solutions or alternatives that can be implemented in the face of a certain problem, are those that are wielded in the technical report.

Like any other type of report that will be read by another or other people, it must be written and structured in the simplest and most clear way possible, since both questions will contribute to its understanding. Although the usual thing is that it is a technician who will read it, it should always be written in the clearest way and within everyone's reach.

Normally it follows the structure of any other narrative: introduction-development-conclusion-annexes.

However. Within this structuring, the most important thing that cannot be missed is the identification of the problem, its cause and the factors that produce it. Meanwhile, the conclusion turns out to be the most important part since it will expose the scope of the problem and the possible solutions.

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