
definition of affable

The term affable is used to account for that individual who in the treatment as in the conversation stands out for being nice friendly.

Being affable is one of the qualities best valued by most people, because the person can be polite, dress well, behave according to what a certain protocol requires but if in the matter of friendly and pleasant they do not qualify, decidedly, it's a huge drawback.

The personable person is a person who has good manners, what is popularly known as a well-educated person, simply and simply because being affable encompasses several aspects that make a well-educated person, such as consideration for others, respect, attention towards their interlocutors. And precisely this last point turns out to be one of the fundamentals to determine someone's affability, because there will be no doubts about this condition if the person in question listens with a smile even knowing what they are saying, that is, they will not throw him in face to your interlocutor that what you are telling you already know by heart but on the contrary, you will listen to it with patience and good disposition until the end of your presentation.

Rarely will an affable person, who therefore has the above characteristics, will make a bad impression.

On the other hand, being personable will imply that people already love you and respect you and this will be feasible simply because the person who is affable is the one who takes the first step in this regard, respecting and loving others.

But beware, being affable cannot be pretended, since such a situation would immediately be evident.

Another issue that cannot be ignored is that being affable open doors, not only of job and professional opportunities that could improve an economic scenario, but also opens the doors to interact with others, even with those who are absolutely different and who are part of other cultures. Without a doubt, being friendly helps a harmonious coexistence.

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