
definition of budding

The gemmation is the name that receives atThe type of asexual reproduction that some living beings experience and consists of the separation of the organism from a small part of it, called the yolk, which will develop into a new living being.

It should be noted that the asexual reproduction It implies that a single cell, or parts of the body of an already developed individual, is detached from an organism, and then, from mitotic processes, another individual complete and genetically equal to the original can be formed.

In the particular case of budding, it is an unequal division that implies the formation of buds on the individual that procreates; Once developed, a new being will originate that can separate from the parent organism or remain united to it, giving way to what is popularly called as Suburb.

Budding can exist on two levels, unicellular (organism made up of a single cell), it occurs precisely in unicellular beings such is the case of yeasts); and on the other hand, in the multicellular level (the organism formed by more than one cell, which appear differentiated and are capable of carrying out specific functions, such as: cnidarians, poriferous and bryozoans).

There are some organisms that are capable of undergoing a budding process internally, that is, thanks to the presence of an envelope that protects the bud from some unfavorable conditions. For example, freshwater sponges suffer from this situation, as they have a protective capsule plus a reserve substance. Once spring arrives, the aforementioned capsule disappears. Or freshwater bryozoans, for their part, produce a layer of calcium and chitin, though. They do not need any reserve substance because they are in a state of hibernation.

And in Botany budding is called development of the gem or bud, as it is also called, with a view to the production of either a leaf, a branch or flower. Budding of this species occurs in the summer.

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