
definition of sensible

The word sensitive It is a term widely used in our language and that we usually use to express different situations or issues, although yes, these are always linked to emotions and feelings.

When someone or something has the ability to perceive sensations and in addition to experiencing emotions, that is to say, they simply have what is known as sensitivity, they will be talked about in terms of sensitive.

The sensibility It is nothing other than the ability that living beings have to feel various emotions for others, such as: love, hatred, contempt, tenderness, affection, among others.

On the other hand, the word is used to account for that which turns out to be perceptible by our sensesSuch is the case of a color, an aroma, the rough texture of a fabric, among other alternatives.

In another vein, likewise, it is frequent that we use the word sensitive when we want to express that something is concrete and manifests itself in a forceful way. The Argentine real estate market is very sensitive to the fluctuations that occur in the exchange system.

In our everyday language, we usually use the word to account for that person who turns out to be very prone to being hurt and hurt in their emotionsBasically, because she lets herself be carried away by them and is not dominated by what reason says, but rather by what her heart dictates. Laura is so sensitive that I no longer know how to say things to her so as not to hurt her.

At artistic field we also find a special reference for the word since we use it to express when someone has a natural sensitivity in everything that involves artistic creations.

Another common use of the word that concerns us is given at the request of wanting to give an account of that which is easy to assign, modify, in the face of the action exerted by external agents. This object is made of a material sensitive to light, you must, for example, take care of it from the direct rays of the sun that shine on it..

And in music, sensible, is the name by which it is called to the seventh level within the musical scale.

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