
definition of ubiquity

Ubiquitous means everywhere, so ubiquity is the ability to be everywhere at the same time. Obviously, this faculty is only applicable to the idea of ​​God and is equivalent to what some theologians have called divine omnipresence.

In a figurative sense, the ubiquity of some people is sometimes spoken of, implying that they are capable of doing many things at the same time, as if they were in several places at the same time.

Divine attributes

The concept or figure of God has been analyzed by theologians and philosophers throughout history. To understand its meaning, we talk about its attributes, that is, the characteristics of its nature. Thus, if God can do everything, he is omnipotent. This necessarily implies that it can also be everywhere, since it is not subject to the coordinates of time and space of other beings. The quality of omniscence supposes that God knows all of reality, even that which has not yet happened. Obviously, these attributes are disputed by some thinkers, who consider that ubiquity, omnipotence or omniscence are simply concepts created by man from their mental schemes.

The attributes mentioned depend, in turn, on another quality, the perfection of God (if God is perfect, he can be everywhere, because if he could not, he would cease to be perfect, which would be a contradiction).

The acceptance of ubiquity as an attribute of God depends on the religious conception of each individual. For the believer who considers God to be the creator of the universe, ubiquity is a logical consequence of his intrinsic nature.

Ubiquity and new technologies

New technologies have been consolidated in recent decades and have led to social changes in all areas of life. For this reason, some speak of the ubiquity of information. Let's think about a traditional business: an establishment dedicated to fashion. From a conventional approach, this establishment is located in a certain place, but the technological revolution allows that same business to have the "gift of ubiquity", since it is possible to access its website and buy a product from anywhere in the world through different devices that have an internet connection.

The ubiquity of technology goes far beyond commercial activity. In fact, this attribute of current technology affects communication or learning in any of its modalities.

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