
what is pimp »definition and concept

The term pimp has different meanings in our language. On the one hand, it refers to the person who acts as an intermediary between two, usually a man and a woman, so that they have love relationships. On the other hand, it is also that individual who excessively flatters someone with the purpose of obtaining some benefit.

Both meanings are used in a derogatory sense, since the pimp or pimp does not act sincerely but seeks his own benefit.

The character of La Celestina is the best known pimp

Although these types of people may belong to the male or female gender, traditionally women have acted as mediators in the sentimental field. In Spanish there are several synonyms to refer to a pimp, such as trotaconventos, concealer, enredadora, correveidile or matchmaker.

The Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea, better known as La Celestina, is a 15th century novel and most researchers maintain that its author was Fernando de Rojas. In the novel there are three central characters: two young people (Calisto and Melibea) and a pimp (Celestina).

Apart from the literary values, the novel presents an elderly, perverse and greedy woman, the pimp Celestina. It is about a woman of humble origin who in her youth was a prostitute. Through his cunning, he manages to manipulate the two young men into maintaining a romantic relationship. This character in literature is the human archetype of a pimp and in his conduct the two meanings of the word pimp can be distinguished (he is an intermediary in love affairs and uses exaggerated praise to manipulate others for his own benefit).

The use of the word pimp in Latin America is not the same as in Spain

In everyday communication in Spain, the term pimp-a is used to describe behaviors that bear a certain resemblance to the character of La Celestina. In fact, matchmaker and pimp are synonymous words.

On the other hand, in Argentina and Uruguay it is used in another sense. Thus, in the sentence "you are a pimp, you told the boss that I was late", the word pimp is equivalent to snitch or buchón. This word is also used as a synonym for flatterer (for example, "the new employee is a pimp to the director").

In the Chilean context, someone is said to be a pimp when it comes to being overly permissive.

In Venezuela, the verb pandering is used, which is equivalent to pampering or consenting ("he is pandering to his son all day long").

Photos: Fotolia - Elnur / Kungverylucky

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