
what is biosynthesis »definition and concept

In a general sense, the concept of biosynthesis refers to the reactions that take place in an organism in such a way that the simplest molecules are transformed into molecules or biomolecules of greater complexity. For this to be possible, an energy transformation is necessary. Thus, biosynthesis, which is also known by the name of anabolism, is a process through which the cells of an organism invest the energy they have received in the construction of new cellular structures.

An illustrative example

In very simple terms, we could explain biosynthesis with a simple example. If a person eats a plate of rice, a part of the energy that he obtains will be used in daily activities (walking, talking, etc.) but if he does not expend all the accumulated energy, this energy will be oriented towards building larger molecules and For this reason, an excess of energy accumulated in the form of food causes weight gain.

Continuing with the same example, when eating rice, the starch it contains is transformed into glucose molecules, and these glucose molecules are reserved in the form of glycogen in the liver, and this whole process is biosynthesis.

Fatty acid biosynthesis

Excess glucose in the diet is converted into fatty acids that accumulate in the liver. These fatty acids generate adipose cells that are transformed into adipose or fat tissue and, at the same time, produce triglycerides, which are specific fatty acids.

The anabolic process in bodybuilding

Considering that biosynthesis and anabolism are equivalent terms, it is worth remembering the main idea of ​​the anabolic process that occurs among those who practice bodybuilding. Athletes who practice this discipline are divided into two groups: those who develop their body naturally and for this they exercise their body and eat healthily or those who use anabolics.

Anabolics are synthetic substances that alter male sex hormones, for example testosterone. These types of substances allow muscles to grow beyond normal. However, the use of anabolic steroids has negative health consequences: the appearance of acne, breast enlargement in men, liver or heart problems, as well as problems with sexual intercourse.

Photos: Fotolia - molekuul

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