
what is brother »definition and concept

The word brother is the term we use in our language to indicate to that person, who with respect to another, has the same parents, or at least the same mother or the same father.

Individual who have the same parents or at least share a father or mother

In the latter case in which mother or father is shared, he is considered and called as a half-brother.

Whatever the case, the relationship that is established between siblings is generally referred to as brotherhood.

Siblings of the same parents share physical, genetic and behavioral traits

This relationship establishes a genetic relationship between those involved, which, for example, makes them share physical traits, mostly inherited from their parents or other ancestors.

It should be noted that there may be exceptions, such is the case of an individual who has been adopted by his parents, with which, with respect to his brother, he will not present a genetic relationship.

On the other hand, that of sibling, stands as one of the most important and intimate kinship relationships that a human being maintains in his life, without fear of exaggeration, it is together with that of the parents the strongest that we experience. mens.

Although the brothers share a large part of their lives, they maintain their individuality

Meanwhile, in most of the world's cultures, siblings grow, develop, and live together until they enter adulthood, going through stages such as childhood, adolescence and youth hand in hand.

Likewise, that coexistence that they maintain implies that they receive the same education and training from the family.

Now, all this does not mean that all siblings think and behave in the same way, they may present some similarities in behavior, but since they are unique people, they tend to behave individually.

Fights out of jealousy

Another consequence of this daily relationship is the conflicts and fights that are usually triggered between the siblings and that are usually generated by the treatment that each one receives from the parents.

For example, a recurring conflict is usually when one of the siblings receives more attention and dedication from the parents.

Such a situation of difference between the parents usually causes jealousy in the brother who feels neglected, and it is common, then, that in response to this, he mistreats and argues with his brother.

Although one sibling may be jealous of another throughout life and never stop feeling it, it is common for the older sibling to feel jealous of the newborn sibling, and then, over time, and bonding with him, stop feel it.

Stepbrothers: people who do not share a blood bond but live together because their parents are a couple

On the other hand, when addressing this issue, we cannot ignore a third option that is added to that of brothers and half-brothers, and that today, due to the proliferation of joined families, is increasingly common: stepbrothers.

Those individuals who do not share any blood bond will be called thus, because each one has a father and a mother, the fact that unites them and makes them family and makes them stepbrothers is that their father or mother was sentimentally united with the mother or her stepbrother's father and therefore they all live together as a family.

Now, we must clarify that the only concrete and formal difference that exists between the stepbrothers is the aforementioned of consanguinity, however, this does not imply that many of them cannot develop a life and a relationship equal to that developed by their siblings. blood, and much more if they have to live in the same house and grow together.

Although there is a distinction in terms of concepts, it remains only in this formal plane, because we must say that in these cases affective ties prevail and thus it is that a stepbrother or a half-brother can feel even more brother of another with whom share blood.

With an example we will better explain these differences ...

María and Marcos get married and have a daughter named Florencia, eventually the couple separates, and Marcos rebuilds his life by marrying Juana, who has a son named Simón from a previous couple; Florencia and Simón are stepbrothers.

In time Marcos and Juana have a son, Martín, who will be Florencia and Simón's half brother.

Person with whom there is no blood bond but is very close in affection

On the other hand, the word brother is also used in common language to refer to that individual with whom an extremely close and intimate relationship is maintained, for example a friend, even though blood ties are not shared with him.

Religion: members of religious orders

And at the behest of the religion The use of the term brother is also recurrent, since in a good part of the religious communities, such as religious orders and brotherhoods, his brother is called member members.

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