
definition of handicap

The concept of disability is used to designate a physical or intellectual disability that is present or hereditary or accidentally. The notion of disability can be applied to both humans and animals since both can demonstrate difficulties or complications to perform certain actions within the parameters considered normal. The handicap condition in a person or animal makes it handicapped.

When analyzing the word handicap or handicapped, we understand that the concept means having less value in some certain capacity or ability. The disabled person is, then, the one who cannot act according to the parameters considered normal by Western medicine. The handicap can be present on a physical level in situations such as paralysis of some part of the body, difficulty to move by own means, inability to speak, deficiency in any of the five senses, etc. Also certain abnormalities or physical deformations can cause certain types of disability.

The disability can also be mental or psychological and this is when we must talk about complications that are not so noticeable or visible but that can sometimes become much more significant. Intellectual or mental disabilities make the person unable to develop their life in a normal way since in some cases they cannot directly interact with their peers or it is very difficult for them to do so.

Disability, of whatever type, always generates complex situations in society. This is so because it is always seen as a problem or from a derogatory point of view. It is common for the physically or mentally disabled to be attacked or mistreated more frequently, as is also frequent that they are not recognized with the same rights as other people and their needs are not taken into account.

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