
definition of moral obligation

The human being is a being that has awarenessIn other words, from the ethical point of view, he reflects on his actions and questions whether he has acted correctly or not. Every human being has personal values ​​that become norms of correct action, a compass to differentiate between what is correct and what is not. These moral values ​​mark the theoretical plane of an action, however, life is practical, and sometimes, the human being experiences an opposition between the theoretical plane and the practical action of the day to day.

Obligations that one imposes oneself personally, in which one believes

People feel they must be true to those rules to be able to be truly happy. From here follows the conscience of moral obligation, that is, of the need to be coherent and consistent with those personal values. In most cases, this moral obligation is not imposed externally but rather the person is faithful to that internal duty that has been marked.

Each person's environment and how it influences it

What is true is that values of a person are also highly influenced by the social context in which a person was born and lives, in addition, they also owe their roots to the education they have received from their family and teachers at school. What is correct for one person may not be so for another, hence even the ethical plane, in some cases, seems susceptible to a certain relativism (although in general terms there is a general consensus on what is correct or not).

The importance of reason, and coexistence in society

On the other hand, there are also social norms that promote social coexistence and harmony in the group. In that case, compliance with these social norms also responds to a moral obligation. In this way, reason and knowledge act as a light that illuminates the will through the reasoning of correct action, that is, the value of duty. The moral obligation refers precisely to the weight exercised by reason over the will.

The moral obligation refers to the obligations that a person has by virtue of being a person. That is, a human being not only has duties but also obligations to fulfill. These obligations refer to the practice of good and the fulfillment of justice.

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