
definition of research

The term investigation designates any action whose ultimate goal is the resolution of an intrigue or a mystery, usually with police or criminal overtones. The investigation is nothing more than a deep and detailed search for evidence or information that can be used to clarify different situations. It can be carried out in many ways and be concrete as well as virtual. Investigation is precisely the action of carrying out an investigation or investigation with the aforementioned purposes.

The term investigation is widely used in the police and criminal investigations field. In this sense, the investigation is one of the ways, perhaps the most important, that researchers have to solve a case about which there is no accurate data. In this investigation, the objective will be to obtain information that may be vital to understand what happened in a certain police event, who was involved, the sequence of events, etc.

When we talk about research, we are talking specifically about some type of search that can be more or less exhaustive in a certain place and more or less delimited. It tries to find important evidence that can be material (such as a weapon) or virtual (data or information that remains inside a computer, to name a few). Generally, to carry out investigations that must invade private property in order to be carried out, the police or investigators in question must have authorizations and written documents in which it is clarified that, due to the possible level of implication of the person being investigated , it has been duly requested by the corresponding officials.

The investigation can also be carried out on a person directly, for example when the body is palpated to see if the person has dangerous elements in certain events or public situations.

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