
definition of social maladjustment

The social maladjustment is the inability that a person manifests when adapting to a certain situation within the environment in which they live and develop, for example, a personal maladjustment, some conflict with the environment, failure in the face of social stimuli, among others. The person who is in the situation of social maladjustment will certainly be outside of social normality, manifesting a behavior that totally disagrees with the prevailing social guidelines.

The aforementioned maladjustment encompasses both psychic, social and physical aspects and is a phenomenon that has been experienced in all societies that make up planet earth.

The individual who disagrees with his social environment is usually called social misfit and in most situations his dissenting and defiant behavior towards the agreed social rules will lead him to a situation of marginalization.

Meanwhile, inappropriate, maladaptive behaviors will be determined from what is understood as normal in the society in question, then, what is outside these normal parameters will be considered social maladjustment.

Traditionally, those who are not adapted to the society in which they live will be adapted to certain circumstances that occurred in their life, such as: family disruption, bad company or because the society itself rejects it as a consequence of sex, religion and the culture in which it falls.

Therefore, the concept that is directly opposed to that of social maladjustment is that of social adaptation; the adapted individual accepts and fulfills all the conditions and behaviors stipulated by the society in which he participates.

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