
definition of mercantile

The commercial term is used as an adjective to be applied to those activities, actions, phenomena or processes that are related to the market and the purchase and sale of various types of goods. The market is the space in which people who offer services and goods and people who require them meet and who, in exchange for them, pay a pre-established sum of money or other products. Mercantile will then be everything that happens in the field of the market or that is related to the action of exchanging products between two or more parties.

Throughout history, human beings have always relied on commercial activity not only to obtain all those elements that were of their need, but also to come into contact with other communities and realities that could be found at a great distance. Today, with the capitalist system, the marketing of both material goods (such as a book, a pair of slippers, food or a property) and services (medical assistance, telecommunication services, security, etc.) is undoubtedly the economic activity that moves the planet and that establishes innumerable ties of all kinds between a large part of the planetary territory.

In the same way that commercial is then applied to the specific fact of buying and selling elements or services, the term is also related to the set of laws and regulations that aim to regulate all market activities. Commercial law is thus made up of all the rules and forms that have been established internationally to control commercial activity and ensure that certain basic or behavioral obligations are not breached. Many times, commercial law also establishes specific forms and contracts for each type of business in order to limit improvisation as much as possible and the possibility of conflicts between the component parts.

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