
definition of desolation

The desolation it is the feeling of lack of comfort experienced by a person who feels deeply hurt by life as a result of some event that has exceeded their expectations in a negative way. A person who feels desolate has such a degree of internal pain that he does not find, in the present, a strong reason for consolation to alleviate that internal discomfort. Desolation also shows the weight experienced by a person who has run out of strength, feels weak, and is tired of fighting.

A person who feels desolate is broken inside, cry frequently and has difficulty starting the day with optimism (sadness is even more palpable first thing in the morning when the start of a new day appears as a day of fatigue).

From a psychological point of view, there are events that cause great emotional distress. Situations of sadness that produce an inner blockage because they go beyond those daily disappointments that we can all experience. There are situations of great pain and anguish.

External support is essential to get ahead

A person who feels desolate needs the support of external resources that, by way of resilience, are an important support: professional help, spiritual help, the affection of friendship, the support of the couple, the comfort of the family, a hug of unconditional love ...

A person who is desolate needs rest to regain strength, assimilate what has happened and face reality with the information that marks this tragic event. A person can be devastated by a deep heartbreak, a family tragedy, the death of a loved one, serious financial problems, an unexpected job dismissal ...

Desolation is a crisis process typical of the human being

A desolation It is overcome, that is, it is not a definitive point but a process that, as an internal crisis, reflects the importance of human beings making use of their resources to be able to face that adversity that hurts in the deepest from the heart.

Desolation is even more bitter to the beat of loneliness. On the contrary, the affection of others adds a kind strength that gives strength to those who are suffering.

Hope as a support tool

Desolation is accompanied by a lack of inner tranquility, anguish, a certain degree of hopelessness and pessimism. It is convenient to look to the future with the conviction that all pain is temporary (it has a beginning and an end). Therefore, after a gray day, the sunlight of a new dawn always comes again, which is the symbol of a new hope to live.

If there is an important cause of desolation in your life, do not shut yourself up and ask for help.

From a psychological point of view, there are events that cause great emotional distress. Situations of sadness that produce an inner blockage because they go beyond those daily disappointments that we can all experience. There are situations of great pain and anguish.

For example, the death of a loved one, the news of an illness, a car accident with tragic consequences, long-term unemployment and loneliness are causes that can devastate the heart of a person who feels deep inner bitterness as a consequence. of a reason that overwhelms him and whose cure is not immediate.

Bitterness and suffering

Desolation can be experienced by a suffering that is suffered in the first person or also, by the empathy that is experienced towards close people. For example, a friend may feel devastated to see the suffering of a person whom they love and want to help but cannot alleviate all their pain.

One of the most important factors in relieving desolation is the passage of time that brings with it the healing of wounds and the search for new hope. In addition, as Victor Frankl explained, it is also very important to find a meaning to the present sufferings in order to move forward.

But crying is the most appropriate means to heal the wounds of the soul, release bitterness and put feelings in order. Crying is an expression of sadness that provides a necessary relief when there is a cause that has devastated the soul of a person.

Professionals such as psychologists, psychiatrists, spiritual advisers, and coaches can provide emotional support to those experiencing distress. However, friendship and family love that offer unconditional comfort also increase self-esteem and resilience.

Desolate a field

The desolate concept can also be applied to refer to the ruin of a territory that has been devastated as a result of a natural catastrophe. For example, it is possible to say that a forest was devastated as a result of a fire that burned the large area of ​​the land, leaving the flora and fauna lifeless. An earthquake can also devastate entire streets leaving ruin on buildings.

Photos: iStock - elenaleonova / quavondo

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