
definition of Spanish language

The Spanish language, also known as Castilian or Spanish language , is the language that is mainly spoken in Spain and Latin America, meanwhile, its fabulous extension throughout the planet earth makes it today one of the most popular languages ​​in the world alongside English.

Official language in Spain and Latin America that integrates the category of Romance languages

On the other hand, the Spanish language is classified as a Romance language that integrates the Iberian group; Romance languages ​​make up a branch of languages ​​linked to each other because they turn out to be a departure from popular Latin, which was mainly spoken in the provinces of the Roman Empire.

From the third century on and due to the disarticulation suffered by the Roman Empire at that time, alternative versions of Latin began to appear that were very popular in the provinces of the Empire.

It is worth mentioning that the impressive diffusion that the Spanish language has achieved as the language par excellence of the American continent has made it the most notable Romance language.

Second language of the planet after English

The Spanish language is the second language spoken on the planet as a consequence that it is the mother tongue of millions of people.

It should be noted that the mother tongue is the first language that an individual learns to speak when they first develop the action of communicating.

On the other hand, the Spanish language stands out Because it is the most studied language in the world behind the English language, and on the internet, it also holds a notable place since it is one of the languages ​​with the largest number of users on the network of networks.

And to continue highlighting its importance worldwide, we cannot ignore that it is also one of the most widely used when it comes to international interaction and communication, for example, in the United Nations Organization, on the European Union and in so many other international organizations and organizations, the Spanish language is the official language.

Even in the field of sport it is considered a privileged means of communication.

Various phonetic and semantic nuances and variants

Currently, the Spanish language presents variants and nuances depending on the place of Hispano-America in which it is spoken.

This multiplicity of variants that the Spanish language has has reason to be in the vast geographical area in which it is spoken.

In Spain and other Latin American countries, even, there are regional variations, that is, the pronunciation of some words and the tone changes according to the province or region in which the person was born.

In Latin America is where the phonetic and semantic variation is most marked, there are terms that are in common use in one area, while in the next area they are not used, and some may not even be understood.

Now, we must emphasize that beyond these distinctions, communication between the speakers of this language is effective, between those who live in the same country, or those who reside in other countries.

Royal Spanish Academy, the regulatory institution of the Spanish language

There is an institution called the Royal Spanish Academy that is in charge of regulating and meticulously observing the Spanish language, for example, its manifestation in terms of language is respected and respected by the rest of the regional academies and obviously by the speakers.

His work is carried out in collaboration with other academies that belong to the Spanish-speaking region.

Its main mission is to make the dictionary and the grammar of the language, and thus its members are constantly studying the language, the new words that the speakers begin to include in their daily interaction and that are incorporated into the language. language spontaneously, and of course they also mark the elimination of those words that are no longer used.

With the fantastic development of new technologies and the prevailing globalization, the Spanish language has included among its terms many words that come from the English language, and that as a consequence of this widespread use have been accepted by the Royal Academy.

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