
definition of confectionery

It is known as confectionery to the place where customers can sit at tables and consume different types of drinks (usually hot) and accompany them with various types of sweets, pastry products and confectionery. The confectionery is currently understood as a relatively elegant place unlike what a bar, a canteen or a cafeteria can represent.

The name of confectionery probably has to do with the idea that in these places, along with the drinks and infusions that were sold, different types of confectionery were sold to be consumed on the spot or to take away. Over time, the confectionery was changing, integrating to its products numerous confectionery elements such as cakes, thin doughs, invoices, croissants and many others, also salty. The confectionery is then a place where one attends to consume, in most cases, in the place the sweetness that is served.

Each confectionery is a world apart since each place can specialize in different products. While some offer the best chocolate, others offer a variety of teas or coffees, others specialize in some type of cake or perhaps crumb sandwiches. This distinctive element is what serves to differentiate each confectionery and to achieve a loyal clientele.

Typically, the space of a confectionery can vary significantly in terms of design, size, even service. While the oldest confectioneries, typical of the early twentieth century, used to be large spaces decorated in beautiful and very luxurious Art Nouveau styles, current confectioneries tend to be rather sober in terms of decoration and have simple and comfortable furniture. At the same time, the service has changed as some confectioneries now allow customers to serve their own products and bring them to the table to be consumed there. Many others have included home delivery services, which also collaborates with the home consumption of products made in the place.

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