
definition of literacy

Is named literacy to ability and ability to read and write adequately, but also, literacy constitutes a learning process in which educators will place special emphasis during initial education by proposing to children various tasks that involve literacy activities.

There are various methods and theories about how to successfully complete the literacy process, for example, some focus on more formal aspects and so they treat the process from its parts to the general, that is, starting from the letters, following the syllables, and then going through the words and finally through the phrases; and on the contrary, the so-called constructivists, propose that the child's perception begins as a mixture, capturing the whole, without dwelling on the detailsThen they start off altogether and present the child with whole words with their relevant meanings.

Of course, the use of this or that position will depend on an in-depth knowledge of the students first in order to then be able to stipulate the best and most appropriate strategies.

As it is clear from its name, literacy involves the union of two closely related processes, such is the case of writing and reading; reading and writing are complex but fundamental activities on which the fact that the individual continues to learn for the rest of his life will depend. They are also decisive for being able to enter organized knowledge, which is undoubtedly the most important element of a culture.

The satisfactory mastery of both reading and writing not only allows us to build meanings to expand our knowledge but also facilitates the opening of new channels of communication between students and the social environment in which they operate.

It should be noted that both tools, reading and writing, must be introduced to the child in a motivating way, connecting it with an object of interest, for example, showing children the writing of their own name and that of their classmates is an auspicious beginning.

And along with literacy, there should be interesting activities that promote fine motor skills and visual motor coordination, such as working with plasticine, chopping, or using a brush and paint to create their own works that result from the imagination and creativity of the student.

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