
definition of motive

In its most general and wide use, the reason is that question, reason, circumstance, among other alternatives, that moves someone to do something, or that causes this or that action. “

Reason or circumstance that moves or causes an action

I'd like to know what was the reason you didn't come to my birthday party. We are waiting for you to confirm if the reason for the meeting is the untimely resignation of the technical director.”

Visual art: element of an image or of a subject on which objects are reproduced

At the request of the visual arts, the reason will be that element of a theme, an image or a general and basic theme on which the objects will be reproduced.

It should be noted that the motif can be presented for a single time represented in a work but it can also be repeated several times in a design or in a composition.

Design: repeating decorative element

In the design of clothing and objects, to mention a few examples, it is common to find garments that have different motifs and that in some cases are even used to distinguish the brand or the designer from others.

A T-shirt with a flower motif, pants with a geometric motif or an animal print motif.

Cause of human behavior or inaction

In the field of psychology, the word motive, likewise, has a special use, since the same will involve the cause of a behavior, a movement, an action, or inaction.

The reason makes the individual orient himself with interest and impetus towards a certain action to satisfy the need, or failing that he decides not to do anything for some reason x.

Usually the motives are those that lead human beings to act or to refrain from acting, for example, fear is a great inhibitor of action.

When people feel a concrete danger or fear about something, surely, we will decide not to act or stay in a safe place.

Fear and demotivation: reasons that lead someone not to act

Thus, if we are afraid of heights, we will not go up to a tall building, much less look out from a terrace, or travel by plane.

On the other hand, we must say that the lack of motivation that someone feels about something, or in general in their life, will constitute a reason not to act.

Motivation consists of that series of feelings, beliefs, ideas, interior states, and sensations, which lead us to develop certain behaviors, or make certain decisions.

This phenomenon explains why the person acts or stops doing it at a given moment.

The motivation will always be prior to the action, it will maintain or stop it, since the behavior has a purpose, for example, it is a very relevant process in the life of a person.

If a person is in a constant state of demotivation, there is probably a pathology behind that that triggers this state, one of the most well-known and common is depression.

The lack of motivation usually triggers work and personal problems.

The depressed person is characterized precisely by their little desire to act, they will prefer to be in bed without doing anything, while those who have a motivation will be all the time vigorous and acting in pursuit of their final goal.

Primary and secondary reasons

We will be able to distinguish between primary reasons, which are those that are closely linked to the satisfaction of our primary needs, such is the case of eating or preserving health, and so to ensure them we will look for food and we will shelter or protect ourselves so as not to suffer the inclement weather.

And on the other hand, the superior motives, which are those that have to do with the intellectuality and spirituality of man, and that, for example, drive him to seek a better position in life, for example, access education to learn knowledge that they will allow us tomorrow to perform professionally in some field with success.

Music: series of notes that are repeated in a song

For the music, the musical motif is represented by a series of musical notes which will be repeated continuously throughout a musical theme or composition.

It is generally made up of one or two bars.

Without a doubt the terms of cause and reason they are the ones that we use the most as synonyms for the term at hand.

The cause is the foundation or the reason that leads someone to act in a certain way.

And the reason will be the cause that provokes some action.

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